How do I update Central from a USB stick?

If you do not have a (fast) internet connection, there is the possibility of updating the screen by downloading the "update file" once on your computer. In the article below, you will find the steps required to perform this.


Steps to be taken:

  1. Download the correct update file. This can be found on the service pages.
  2. Connect the USB stick to your computer.
    - Delete all current files from the USB stick, if necessary.
  3. Move the file to the root folder of the USB stick.
    - The name of the OTA file should be as follows:
  4. Remove the USB stick from the computer.
  5. Disconnect all peripherals from the Touchscreen; remember this includes the lift and the Move camera.
  6. Now turn on the touchscreen.
    - Once the touchscreen has started, switch to the Central channel if you are not already there.
  7. Connect the USB stick to the screen using one of the ports on the front or side (PWT) of the screen.
  8. After a few moments (5-10 seconds), a pop-up will appear to start the update.Update1.png
  9. Now click "OK" to start the update.
  10. The update will now be unpacked and installed, this will take up to 15 minutes in total.Update2.pngUpdate3.png
  11. Once the update is complete, the screen will automatically reboot.
    - When the TSx G1 updates from Central 3.2.1 (Firmware version 1.0.25), the touchscreen will         not automatically reboot itself. When doing so, a message will first appear asking to 'reboot'         the screen.
    - If the screen does not reboot automatically after 15 minutes, you can also switch off the                 touchscreen using the power switch at the bottom of the screen.
  12. Now turn the screen off for 1 minute using the power switch at the bottom of the screen, then after 1 minute turn the switch back on and turn the screen on using the on button on the front of the screen.
  13. Now check for updates in Prowise Central's settings menu via "About this screen".