How do I program my NFC card for my Windows environment?

Retrieving your user name when using a Microsoft account.

If you are using a Microsoft account to log into Windows, you must first perform the following steps to retrieve your user name.

  • On your keyboard, press the Windows logo and the letter R.
  • In the pop-up that appears, type CMD followed by 'Enter'.
  • Now type 'whoami' followed by 'Enter'.
  • Now you will see your username.

Programming an NFC card.
Carry out the steps below to program the NFC card.
Go to 'settings' in the Central menu. Click on NFC and select 'Program NFC card'.
Enter your Windows user name and Windows password in the relevant fields and select 'Apply'.


Hold the NFC card against the NFC card reader located at the bottom-right and select apply. Make sure that the NFC card is presented to the reader before the timer runs out.


In case the NFC card is not placed in front of the reader correctly, a error notification will appear. 
If you receive the error notification, please carry out the steps explained above again. 
