The touch functionality is not working any more

There are a number of things that you can check when the touch functionality on the screen is no longer working.

Where do the problems with the touch functionality occur:
- In the Windows environment of the internal PC module
- At the external inputs on an external PC
     Make sure that the USB touch cable is connected and corresponds with the connected video port (HDMI, VGA, DP). Consult the user manual for a complete overview of all external inputs.
- In the Prowise Central environment.

Windows environment with internal PC module:
In case the touch functionality is not working in Windows, check whether the problem also occurs in the Prowise Central environment:
- In case the touch functionality is not working in Windows, but is working in Prowise Central, you can conclude that the problem originates from the internal PC module.
     In case there is no Prowise Windows image, we recommend to provide the PC to which the touch problem applies with a Prowise Windows image. This solves the problem in most cases.
- Also check whether the quick start setting is disabled in the Windows energy settings.
     If quick start is enabled, this could cause the problems with the touch functionality every time Windows is launched.

Windows environment with external PC:
- In case the touch functionality is not working in Windows, but is working in Prowise Central, you can conclude that the problem originates from the external PC.
- Check the USB cable connection (USB A - USB B) between the external PC and the Prowise EntryLine UHD
     If the cable is too long, it can cause problems with the touch functionality. Test whether the touch functionality works when using a shorter USB cable between external PC and Prowise EntryLine UHD.
           - If the touch functionality works now, you can conclude that the Prowise EntryLine UHD works correctly. 
                     Replace the old cable with a new USB cable.
- Make sure that the USB touch cable is connected to the right USB touch port. 
     If you plugged the HDMI cable into one of the two ports at the top, also plug the external device into the top touchscreen port.
     If you plugged the HDMI cable into the bottom HDMI port, the DP port, AV IN port or VGA port, also plug the USB touch cable into the bottom touch port.
- The right USB touch port is dependent on the input source you chose. 
